My unsolicited and totally non-expert opinion, right now at least, is that Dems need a major reorientation in their focus. Economically, they should go hard to the left with programs that have populist support as shown in polls and proposition results. Florida voted for a /1
$15 minimum wage. Fox had that poll (if those are still real) about people supporting MFA. UBI possibly has majority support (not even saying that's the best solution to anything, but it's a "big government" program of the same ilk). Trump is many things, but he's not a /2
"small government" Tea Party-esque conservative (even though he supported their policies in office; it's not his brand and not why people voted for him). The appetite is there to actually help people and be rewarded for it. Do it. At the same time, though, /3
there shouldn't be as much of a focus on "wokeness" or whatever. Not saying that the party should abandon ideas of equality or social justice, but it presently feels like establishment Dems just co-opt the language without actually fixing things. /4
When it becomes the end-all be-all focus of everything, people get exhausted. Don't brag about picking a woman of color for your running mate; just pick her. Dem politicians should quit being performative, and people everywhere, /5
I think, should try to be more understanding and give more of a benefit of the doubt to others who may come from different life experiences and need more time after exposure to new ideas (this goes both / all ways). But mostly, the Dem brand just seems poisoned as elitist and /6
out of touch. Start with brand new leadership, start drawing up plans that you can effectively explain, and market some good ideas to the American people that will actually help them. Nobody is happy with their options for representation. Give them a reason to be. /end
Also this. I think the term "socialist" needs to go, as does stuff like "Defund the police." Americans react very strongly to branding and marketing, which is why I mention it so much. Those terms are needlessly weighing down potentially popular ideas.
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