I wonder if it would help for TV news anchors and journalists of all kinds to say something like this:

"Let's be real clear here, and I want to talk to all Americans, both folks who voted for Biden and folks who voted for Trump..." (thread)
"If there is good hard evidence of voter fraud or foul play in this election of any kind — the kind of crap that takes away from your power to decide the fate of this democracy — make no mistake: we will be cover the heck out of it."...
"We don't want any of that BS in this country we share and love. Who would? If someone is cheating you out of your choice, whether it's one side or the other or both, it's BAD NEWS FOR EVERYBODY and nothing would come ahead of our telling you exactly what's going on. Nothing."
"We know you have trouble trusting us sometimes. We try to tell your stories fully and responsibly and you know what? We mess up. Absolutely we do. But we are here not just to help you find the truth, but to help us all understand each other so we can build this country right."
"We're not perfect. We need your help, always, to even TRY to approach our ideal of public service to you. We don't want to be against you. We want to work with you. Stand alongside you and watch, and ask, and learn, and keep you powerful."
"This is an insanely divided time. You can feel it in your relationships. You can feel how it makes us suspicious. It's going to take some time to find our way to trust again but in the meantime let me again reassure you: I am here for you and for this democracy, 100%."
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