Okay, so as stated, let’s go through this thread, line by line, and unpack the falsehoods. As to not bring more attention to the thread (as it appears to be misinformation), I will be providing screenshots. Also, the guy blocked me for saying I’d break down the claims. @AlexJLeaf
None of the states listed here “stopped counting votes.” Votes continued to pour in overnight. What did happen was that these states completed their counts of same-day votes, which demographically favored Trump (hence his early lead), and they began counting the mail in ballots.
These mail in ballots, which drastically increased in number secondary to COVID this year, demographically favored Biden in a big way. The largest share of these ballots also came from population centers, which skew left even before the biasing of mail in ballot voters.
None of the states “discovered” anything. What they did was begin council mail-in votes. Each state chose whether to count the day of votes before or after the mail in ballots. Several state legislatures (mostly republican— not a partisan statement, just a fact) rejected
Movements to allow states to count mail in ballots before Election Day. These include the “Blue Wave” states. These states counted mail-in ballots overnight. That’s it.
Again, they did not find anything. The majority of the mail in votes came out of Wayne County, which is by far the largest county in Michigan and also is very liberal demographically. Pair this with the liberal bias of the mail in option, and these ballots skewed about
3:1 to 4:1 Biden.

In Georgia, they also counted the mail in ballots last. These largely came from the population centers in and around Atlanta and Savannah, which make out an outsized proportion of Georgia’s population (a lot of the Atlanta metro area here. Very liberal)
Trump had a lead of a bid over 100,000 votes. The remaining 13-14% of the ballots remaining have gone 4:1 for Biden— this was several hundred thousand ballots. As those got counted, we predictably have seen a steady decline in the Trump lead. Nothing nefarious—
Just counting mail in ballots from urban centers.

GA and NC did not extend a deadline. They accept ballots list-marked by Election Day, per state law.

A water pipe broke in one of the voting location. They relocated everyone and began recounting at another location the
Next day. It was a sports facility— you can google it.

COVID commentary not relevant here. Also a bid dumb, but whatever.
Okay, now to the interesting stuff.

Registration duplicates— this happens in every election in these numbers. This occurs when someone moves and the old registration isn’t cleared, when someone submits registration papers twice and things get duplicated, this are entered twice
, etc.

The actual prevalence of in person voter fraud per presidential election year is well under 100 cases nationwide.

On registration mismatches— this is totally incorrect. You can skip this and google it if you’d like, but not only is the implied registration number
Incorrect— Michigan also allows same day registration, which increases registration by tens of thousands of people on Election Day. So this number is way off for multiple reasons (probably intentionally. This has also been claimed in other states, where it is equally false).
People are allowed to watch ballot counting. There was an army of republican lawyers overseeing the vote counting in Wayne country, as well. This is totally misleading.

Virginia didn’t report Fairfax county until late in the night, well after the rest of the state.
Fairfax county represents the largest vote share in the state by far, and is extremely liberal (DC extended area). As soon as these votes came in, VA was a large Biden lead.

Sharpie gate is a reference to an erroneous report that groups of in person voters were given/used
Sharpie markers in Maricopa county in AZ, depressing Trumps numbers.
1. Appears to be false
2. Those votes still get counted manually if there is a technical error.
On calling California— this is perhaps the stupidest argument made here. The formula to call a state is based on a mathematical model that predicts with 99.5%+ confidence a winner (Fox might be slightly lower). Every organization called this based on early ballots (most of
California), exit polls, etc. This is a total nothingburger— just look at the updated numbers.
There appear to be no credible reports of the Missouri claims.

No credible reports of a Trump ballot dump (namely one with 100% composition). This is Google-able.
The Sheriff appeared in M country because Trump supporters with rifles showed up to protest the vote counting location. Google-able.

The Michigan USPS claim appears to have originated from Real Clear. Has not been corroborated by any unbiased or rigorous news source
NC can do what it wants. They are now waiting for remaining absentee ballots (legally cast) to be processed and counted. Still well within that timeline.

Finally, Voting by mail has historically resulted in microscopic levels of voter fraud. Casting dispersions is a falsehood

Happy to clarify anything complete. @sol_orwell
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