I was 2 when my parents fled Cuba by the Mariel boatlift. I never experienced communism first hand, but I grew up hearing horrific stories. I find it insulting that @realDonaldTrump used the antiquated socialism/communism narrative to inflict fear on my people.
With no concrete evidence, just lie after lie, a good portion of my people fell for his bullshit. Even though we’ve had numerous Democratic presidents & we’ve never turned to communism. How can they be so blind when the one acting like an actual dictator is him?
His rallies are reminiscent of Castro’s speeches at La Plaza de la Revolución. His attacks on the press & how he wants to silence them if they don’t agree with him, the way he incites and encourages violence, what he’s currently doing with the vote counting,
his conspiracy theories, denying science, mocking masks, and it goes on and on. Everything about this man screams dictator. The way they adore this man is identical to how Castro was adored by his supporters; it’s scary. It angers me that he was able to dupe so many of my people.
The way these Cuban Pro-Trumpers call us communists because we’re Cubans who voted for Biden reminds me of how communists used to call my father & anti-communists “gusano” meaning “worm.” You turned into the very thing you fled from because of this man. Why?
“Oh, because the economy.” Nah man, morals & decency mean more to me than any amount of money. I’ve always been proud to be Cuban, I wear it proudly, & for the first time in my life I was ashamed to be Cuban watching his rally in Miami & w the number of votes he received from us.
I know we’re better than that. We’re a beautiful people. I truly believe there’s a language barrier w some of them & if they understood what he was saying, they would think differently. This man only cares about himself & pretends to care about you. That’s what he does best,
he’s a lifelong con man. Our families fled oppression for the American dream, but these 4 years have felt more like an American nightmare. A company would never hire a man w his behavior no matter how much money he brings in, so why should we allow him to represent our country?
And this isn’t about party, I’m not a Democrat, I don’t vote party. I’m an independent who has voted for both sides in the past. So mi gente, please don’t continue to let this man inflict fear when the one you should actually fear is him. Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.
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