It's 9pm on an election night so I'm doing the obvious thing:
haxing WWF Royal Rumble for the SNES so I can change Macho Man Randy Savage's hometown
haxing WWF Royal Rumble for the SNES so I can change Macho Man Randy Savage's hometown
the fun thing about how my pixel-comparison thing works is that it shows incorrect pixels in red and correct or almost correct pixels in grey, which means the prototype of the WWF Royal Rumble generator shows all red for Randy Savage... except for his beard, hair, and glasses
they say that when the macho man is coming for you, that's all you see
what the heck
You see how it says "PLAYER 1, CHOOSE A WRESTLER"?
the comma moves between wrestlers.
It's one pixel lower on Crush than it is on Randy Savage.
You see how it says "PLAYER 1, CHOOSE A WRESTLER"?
the comma moves between wrestlers.
It's one pixel lower on Crush than it is on Randy Savage.
or... not?
I don't know what happened here. I'm confused.
I don't know what happened here. I'm confused.
ok so the game has a bug.
if you go into two player mode, when it asks you to select a wrestler, the comma will be at the wrong point, unless you select a different wrestler.
So this problem only happens to randy savage
if you go into two player mode, when it asks you to select a wrestler, the comma will be at the wrong point, unless you select a different wrestler.
So this problem only happens to randy savage
you can see it happen here, midway through the fade.
the comma moves up one pixel
the comma moves up one pixel
err, down one pixel.
and I was wrong, it's not just two player. it's one player as well!
adding yet another thing to my list of stuff to yell at programmers for if I ever invent a time machine and go back to 1993