How the characters of Victorious would react to current events : the election, COVID, and racism
Tori doesnā€™t really gaf about BLM but saw the protests as a great time to upload a cover of her singing Imagine by John Lennon. She always posts about mask efficacy, but yells at the coffee barista with her mask off when the order is wrong. Voted blue and cant wait for ā€œnormalcyā€
Trina never wears a mask bc it interferes with her breathing. She got COVID in Feb before anyone knew and never shuts up about it. Lowkey loves the ā€œLatinos for Donald Trumpā€ song and was super conflicted on who to vote for. Voted blue bc sheā€™s had abortions. Black screen for blm
Jade came out as bisexual by posting 2 of her scissors interlocked with the caption ā€œlmaoā€ on her story 2 wks into lockdown. Doesnt really care if the pandemic ends because she hates everyone anyway. She marched at the first BLM LA protest and hates infographic insta. Didnt vote.
Beck was on a technology free trip in Canada and had no idea about Corona until he came back. Heā€™s a BLM ally and went to a bunch of protests in LA with his biracial girlfriend. Tweets about failures of 2 party system, Prop 22 win, and almond milk. Voted blue.
Andre definitely thought Black people couldnā€™t get corona until April. Has been wearing masks and carries huge hand sanitizer ever since. Posted a freestyle rap about white supremacy every day of June for BLM. Voted for Biden and tweets about Trump being a clown.
Cat thinks Corona is contracted from 5G radiation and reposts everything Summer Walker says. Was heartbroken when Floyd died and pepper sprayed a traffic cop. She wrote herself in on her presidential ballot because she always wanted to see why they built the office in an Oval.
Robbie works for TMZ now and has known about Corona since December. He dated a Black girl in college and brings it up every time BLM is mentioned plus anecdote about being Jewish. Has stanned Kamala since the primaries and canā€™t wait for her presidency.
Rex has 150k followers on Instagram. He hasnā€™t posted a single thing about COVID, the election, or BLM - but is well known for his friendships with Tyler the Creator and Brockhampton. Says the n word and tells everyone he hooked up with Clairo.
Sinjin van Cleef was teargassed and shot for weeks of protesting. Heā€™s a Marxist-Leninist with BLM | ACAB | ABOLISH POLICE bio and OCCUPIED TONGVA LAND location. Voted on all CA Props but not the Presidency, and has stayed in his social pod all quarantine. Famous on Tik Tok.
Sikowitz built a Corona bunker of coconuts, hand sanitizer, toilet paper, and Lysol early on in the pandemic. He still eats canned food even though the grocery store is open. Supports BLM and refers to Trump as Mr. Cheeto. Couldnā€™t vote this election bc heā€™s a felon.
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