OK, here's the plan: Let's rig the vote across multiple states, but forget to secure the Senate majority and lose some House seats while we're at it.
Absolutely, be sure to *lose* ground on State legislatures, that part's really important. https://twitter.com/Erica_Squires/status/1324567577444581377?s=20
Definitely. Also, let's draw it out as long as possible. Which states count the slowest? Definitely make sure we target those ones especially for the closest outcomes. https://twitter.com/johnolilly/status/1324567407977930753?s=20
Look, I know it seems like it would be easier to just rig it all in Texas and Florida and get 70 electoral votes right there, but instead, rig it for 6 or 7 states. It's really critical that as many people get involved as possible. Those plans always work best.
OK, having second thoughts about the not-rigging-the-Senate-win too, so hear me out: Rig one state, but only one state so hopefully one has two seats up. But also also don't rig it so that we win the seats outright, let's send em to a runoff instead and then I guess rig that too
Yep, so this part is super duper important so I'm glad you mentioned it: Spend an absolutely stupid amount of money in Kentucky and South Carolina to flip Senate seats—like I dunno, $200 million or something—but DO NOT rig those. https://twitter.com/ugaveuscourage/status/1324572674664923137?s=20
Oh also, don't ask me why this is important but it's important: rig the polls before the election so it looks like we're doing real good and then—and this is important so write it down–do worse.
OK OK that last one is just to drive Nate Silver bananas but trust me it'll be worth it.
Fucking flawless execution everyone, nice hustle.
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