Don't let perfection and fear of rejection hold you back from making progress! A thread 👇🧵

1/ I used to be a perfectionist. I would polish and polish and polish. No, I would polish and get frustrated by my lack of progress and quit.
2/ The frustration and my fear of not being perfect held me back all these years. From writing, from building useful products. I feared being ridiculed for being imperfect.

Now I understand that there is no perfection (at least in the short term).
3/ What we create will always have flaws in someone else's view because of their different experiences in life. So how do we make something perfect?

The only thing that matters is to make progress. Iteratively improve, refine your thought processes, your coding, etc.
4/ Make "progress" your metric. Perfection will follow in its own time. ❤️
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