Six years ago, I wrote the GOP and the conservative movement needed to purge Trump from its ranks. In December 2015, I wrote how I wouldn't vote for him because of the damage he'd do to the GOP and the conservative movement. As reiterated in my latest newsletter, I wrote 1/
"Any successes aside, Trump exhibits manifest incompetence, total disinterest in learning anything (and inability to grasp the low-hanging fruit about civics), and thinks the... 2/
presidency makes him “the boss” with no accountability...His trade policies are horrendous, and his immigration policies have largely backfired...If there is anyone who doesn't deserve a second term, it is Donald Trump."

Tonight, Trump stood in the White House 3/
and rambled on for however long he was there, spouting bizarre conspiracy theories and claiming he "won" in places where they were still counting legitimate votes. It was pathetic and a disgrace. The notion that he's on the verge of losing because of a coordinated
massive voter fraud effort is bonkers. We already saw the spokesperson for the RNC claim voter turnout in Milwaukee County went from 61% in 2016 to 83% in 2020, when a few minutes of research would show the 61% figure was for EVs, not RVs. Enough already.
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