This very sweet tweet just called me OLD lololololol.
It was sweet tho! She was giving perspective and if it was her parents, it was her parents!
We old 🤷🏾‍♀️
As soon as a student had office hours with me and so kindly and politely said “do you prefer Mrs. Packnett Cunningham?” I knew...
It’s not their fault! Aging sneaking up on you LOL.
I mean to be clear I was like 17 BUT I was following it like I was but a wee year older and had voted in that election myself LOL. But I remember EVERY twist & turn.

And Katherine Harris. I distinctly remember Katherine Harris and her whole *gesticulates wildly* situation.
Or was I 16? 🧐

I just know I was INTO IT. You couldn’t get raised in my household and know never to trust a Bush.

I also remember Al Gore calling into KMOX talk radio in STL and PLEADING with voters to stay in line.

See kids... *pulls up chair*
...the year was 2000. Missouri was still a bellwether state. Swing. Purple. “So goes Missouri, so goes the country.”

Al Gore needed STL. We were the ATL of our day LOL (not actually or ever, but politically, we were blue in a sea of red and with KC, could swing the state)
Him calling into KMOX on election night was a HUGE deal.

So much so the anchors kept saying “this is a HUGE deal.” A presidential candidate had never just called them, unsolicited, to make a direct appeal. And it was a huge station. Stretched into other states.
Missouri went to Bush (😲😲😲😲) by just 3 percentage points. And as the field narrowed, it all came down to...
So EVERYBODY’s lawyers started wildin. Court injunctions all day everyday. Protestors hit the ground.

And this woman became the star of the show.
She was the Secretary of State of Florida. A devout, conservative Christian, Republican woman who oversaw voting across the state (elections matter 😬).

She was “old” Florida money, too. Inherited money from her grandfather, a citrus tycoon.

Citrus tycoons exist, apparently.
Katherine Harris saw her moment, and she took it.

She likened herself to Queen Esther, the Biblical royalty from whom we get the phrase/concept “I was made for such a time as this.”

She thought that of herself, essentially. It was very Paula White 😬
(As a side note, you can actually get a dramatic reenactment of this terrible time in the HBO film “Recount” which is probably on HBO max?

Laura Dern was *scarily* good as Katherine and her Queen Esther monologue is perfectly frightening)
ANYWAY, while Katherine was getting a makeover (which the media unfairly covered A LOT, which sucks bc there was plenty to hate about her without dragging her looks...

The new-ish Governor of Florida started swinging it for George W Bush....
Because the Governor of Florida was George’s younger brother, Jeb.

Now, let the movies tell it, Pop Bush wanted Jeb to be president, but W got there first. Even though he was woefully unqualified, he was rich! And from a political dynasty. Straight out of central casting.
So you already know where this is going (and not just cause you learned it in history class, which again, makes me feel SO old, through no fault of your own).

Jeb and Katherine sewed that thing up for Dubya in a month flat. Actually record time for stealing an election.
The year 2000 was the year I started hating the Electoral College. I’ve been team #abolishit for a good minute.
Al Gore won that election by over a half million votes, and though he wasn’t a progressive by today’s standards, I sometimes wonder, in particular, if the climate crisis and America’s contribution to it would have been at least slowed if he had been inaugurated. We’ll never know.
Anyway I’m really just telling this story cause I’m trying to wait for GA to announce but since I’m old (imma just own it, y’all), it’s about 2 hrs past my bedtime.

And now that I’ve sufficiently revived horrible nightmares for everyone who lived through it, I’ll see myself out.
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