If you need something to do on or with your phone to avoid refreshing may I recommend reading some comics!
(Note: Some of these require a paid subscription which starts at two bucks a month, which is not bad for hundreds of thousands of comics strips dating back to the 1920s)
You all know I love the latest take on Mark Trail by @julesrivera — you can start reading her story here or go back and read DECADES of old comics to find out what on earth is going on https://www.comicskingdom.com/mark-trail/2020-10-12
If you want to read something and comforting that will just make you feel seen and better to be in the world try Macanudo by @porliniers https://www.comicskingdom.com/Macanudo 
Macanudo has gay gnomes, lesbian witches, a mysterious man in black, and a huge blue monster named Olga.
Another warm soft comic that is affirming of goodness in people and animals is @MUTTScomics https://www.comicskingdom.com/mutts#  this week Mutts is telling stories of shelter animals. ❤️
Arctic Circle by @alexhtweets is about three penguin pals and is a realistic but also hopeful look at what we can do to try to make our world a little bit better https://www.comicskingdom.com/arctic-circle 
Want something that will reflect ALL of our inner turmoil right now, try Zippy the Pinhead by the legendary Bill Griffith, which is frenetic and frantic and weird and wonderful https://www.comicskingdom.com/zippy-the-pinhead#
Did you watch Baby Blues on Adult Swim back in the day? Well, Zoe is a Big Kid now, and she’s got younger siblings Hammie and Wren, too. Baby Blues nails the frustrations of being either a kid OR a parent https://www.comicskingdom.com/baby-blues 
Want to read about somewhat larger children? Try Todd the Dinosaur! This is about a 5-year-old T.rex who is, like most children his age, in kindergarten and very hungry https://www.comicskingdom.com/todd-the-dinosaur
Bizarro, by @pirarobizarro and @Waynocartoons is surreal and gorgeous and also has an object search hidden in every comic! https://www.comicskingdom.com/bizarro 
Six Chix is an anthology comic strip by six different amazingly talented women who each alternate comics. It’s a nice window into different artistic and humor sensibilities. https://www.comicskingdom.com/six-chix# 
You can follow @teaberryblue.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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