People are not understanding this tweet of mine. Let me clarify: it is not about @Nate_Cohn who was just used for context. It is about two separate groups that are making me crazy: Pollsters/PoliticalConsultants and activists/commentators in media who used to do journalism.
Who won and by how many votes in each state? Forgive me, but I don’t think that the answer is necessarily an integer. There is a *process* that will run and produce an integer but that integer will depend on a process. And a lot of folks understand this & are preparing to fight.
We‘re now arguing over the *process* of counting votes. And depending on what we allow and disallow (and how we process ambiguities) we will get different integers. And people are lobbying now for different processes to get results they want.

So the big issue here is activism.
Now, there is a huge difference between “What is the best process we can implement to determine how Georgians actually voted?” v “Did *we* win yet?” And here the issue is activism.

My belief is that activism is undermining polling and reporting, and that relativism is spreading.
I‘m not excited about pollsters and pundits who got this so wrong by not understanding how activism and relativism ruin analysis, continuing to use their same activist toolkit while the country is on edge. I wish our professional commentariat who brought us the Blue Wave would🛑.
Look, you got it wrong in a big way. So, stop telling us about what the sensitivity analysis on your models of Maricopa county say if you got the enormous “Blue Wave” & “Biden landslide” wrong. Or point to a tweet where you said you think the *models* are wrong. Here. I’ll start:
Lastly, my issue with 2+2=5 is that it seems to be part of a general move to never having to accept results you don’t like..which Trump and Democrats are both buying into. And I don’t want to live in that world. Let’s hope the electoral ambiguity is smaller than the D-R delta.🙏
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