People are angry right now, they are anxious and afraid.
They should be.
Why wouldnt they be?
They have had anger, hatred, fear and more shoved down their throats by the powers that be in DC and State Capitols and their allies in the corporate news media for decades.
This creates an important moment in our Liberty movement.
Do we respond with mockery, sarcasm and insults?
Is the most important thing 'owning the #republicrats ' or is it bringing people together and offering a new vision for our future?
Unpopular #Libertarian position but all the people voting #duopoly are not worthless #sheeple they are our fellow humans and our American brothers and sisters.
Here in this moment we should not apologize for our votes or wilt before wild accusations.
But responding with snark and sarcasm only sets our movement back.
No one has ever been insulted into joining a movement.
Rather we should explain our votes with dignity, reason and principle.
Assure and encourage.
Libertarians tend to sell sell sell fear(of 'government' and not without reason) but @DNC and @GOP have been doing it way longer and are way better at it then we'll ever be.

What people need is optimism and HOPE!

Rebellions are built on hope.
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