1/8: An Epilogue to what was and a Prologue to what shall be.

I’m replying to Realist, but this is really for all Liberals/Leftists.

For 4 years, I watched as your party relentlessly attacked the President and his family, falsely accused him, illicitly investigated him, https://twitter.com/izzy617/status/1324365482619666432
2/8: impeached him, obstructed him and generally acted in the most vicious, divisive ways possible. And you extended that vitriol and judgement to every person who supports him. Pure hatred.

I’ve had a Twitter account since April of 2019, but didn’t use it until March of 2020.
3/8: Since then, I’ve had my faith attacked repeatedly, my son with Down Syndrome called “retarded” and made fun of, my Service to this Nation denigrated, and been mindlessly threatened with physical harm by cowardly fools from their “safe spaces.”


4/8: And now I stand in heartbroken witness to barbarians in the streets calling for the destruction of America, and the blatant theft of an election by a party consumed only with the pursuit of power.

In one fell swoop, 70 million people told me they’re ok with a pro-abortion,
5/8: pro-Socialism, anti-Constitution, anti-American, anti-Police, dishonest, racist to-his-core, serial sexual assaulter, as their leader. There’s NO compromise with that kind of depravity or the support for it.

In good faith and hope, I’ve never blocked anyone on Twitter.
6/8: But now it is clear that you and your fellow Leftists/Socialists are willfully ignorant and stand in direct, public OPPOSITION to everything I believe and hold dear.

Intelligent, productive conversation is NOT possible with your side.

I will no longer bother.

At all.
7/8: Instead, I’m ending the conversation and embracing the close-mindedness you hold so dear.

I hope you find the hatred and psychosis of the last 4 years worth it.

Because, more than likely, all the interactions currently carried out in such despicable fashion on Twitter,
8/8: will begin moving to the real world. That is an ominous proposition, because the boundaries of this digital wasteland will be absent. I’m ok with that.

Never forget that this is what you and the Democratic Party asked for. Lied for. Persecuted for. Cheated for.

You can follow @eropromptus.
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