The fracture and collapse of the GOP as a political party could be brought about by the coming Trump schism, and if so good riddance. The future party that will be born from the Trump electorate is where the right will go- stand up for American workers and against woke theocracy
Trump never had it in him to be the eloquent, competent, and clever leader the right will need to pose a real alternative to Dems Inc, but he has shown us how to smash the media and ju jitsu them to our advantage
In any case nobody likes the Neo Cons and legacy republicans. They are garbage cuckolds. The Washington Generals of political parties. They are already in history’s dustbin even if they don’t yet know it
The new right needs to take the fight to the woke and corporate globalists on their own turf; it needs to appeal to and snatch the middle left moderates that are going to soon be persona non grata in their own party
There’s nothing anti-conservative about fighting for a clean environment, crushing degenerate corporate power, and protecting American workers from being undercut abroad by unfair competition and at home by border flooding
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