#Trump supporters, as nutty, racist, gullible and hypocritical as many of them are, have rooted in Trump their fundamental distrust of all but the heavily coercive elements of government. This also includes the "election" process.
There is justification for this fundament.
That justification is this: The capitalist government hasn't done anything at all for the vast majority of the population. It has enabled the vampiric greed of a relative few, and the slow unwind of America's industrial base, infrastructure, environment, standards of living/life.
Everyone should distrust the capitalist government, *because* it is a capitalist government. That government cannot do fundamentally anything other than wreck the security and material basis of the working class.
All of the Trumpian distrust in the election process - utterly without factual basis - is the consequence of a public which has engaged the electoral system for decade after decade, choosing different parties to govern this or that, and the result has been *exactly the same*.
Yes, the counting the ballots in 2020 is largely a fair process - that part hasn't broken. Yet. But the distrust which Trump supporters express - wrongly, with the totally wrong attribution and context - should at least be understood as part of a systemic phenomenon in which we
are all more or less captured. Until we *fundamentally change which class is the ruling class*.
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