Lilley is using the largest Dominionist Blow Horn 📢 possible one can use to amplify far right belief in divine positive law.

It’s rather shocking to witness. No one but Dominionists know what the hell he is referring to making these statements.

So translation is in order.
Lilley is confirming his commitment to Natural Rights, as determined by Natural Law. Affirming his close relationship to Dominionist dogma and Paleolibertarian ideology.

That needs interpretation too.
Lilley is asserting & agreeing that orders by secular governments &/or medical officers of public health to self isolate and wear a mask are “unnatural” & should not be enforced or made.

Interference in family relationships, worship or labour is interference in natural rights.
Lilley is saying natural rights are divinely bestowed and no government or individual should interfere with divine authority.

It’s a dog whistle to Dominionist Christians. Amplified through a blow horn.
This is why Dominionists refuse to wear masks and refuse to stop gathering with family and want Churches exempt from lockdown orders.

This is Sam Oosterhoff’a rationale for his contravention of Ontario COVid protocols.
Lilley is referring to “natural rights,” derived from divine “natural law.”

Those rights are bestowed by god & assured when obedience to god’s covenant with humanity is observed and adhered to by believers.

The central tenet being complete obedience to god & natural law.
So banning group worship, family gatherings and the ability to earn a living (operate a business) is tantamount to disobedience to divine law and secular interference in divine rights bestowed by god.

This is the reason why the push to remain open during a pandemic exists.
Divine “natural” law is supposed to be the basis of common law. But if there is a conflict, natural law prevails. Common law is man’s law. Natural law is divine. Ignoring common law is therefore justified for true believers, if it conflicts with natural laws and rights.
Lilley is saying God commands human liberties, not secular governments.

When English common law was developed, in the middle ages, before the Enlightenment (before appreciation for secularism), it was commonly believed god had bestowed inalienable rights on humans.
Namely, the noble wealth class. One must remember that democracy and political involvement was originally restricted to the aristocratic classes. To “Free Men,” not all human beings within a society. This arrangement was considered “Natural.”
The history of common law (which Canada adopted, being a former British colony) is the history of aristocratic exploitation and criminalization of failure to adequately enrich feudal lords and ultimately the regent.
Based on customs, traditions & beliefs of British royalty & feudal lords in the Middle Ages, common law is a system to ensure control of power, collection of compensation due to ownership of the means of production, & that order is maintained for the divinely appointed regent.
That’s is what is meant by justice in common law tradition. Preservation of power and wealth of royalty & feudal lord Dominionists.

When colonies gained independent status, natural law was invoked as being the law of the land that governed “free men.”
That’s the fighting Lilley is referring to. The inalienable rights of Natural Law, enshrined in common law by the War for Independence from British monarchy.

Seems the aristocrats in the “New World” needed a way to ensure their dominance absent the divine rights of a monarch.
It’s the central argument for US Republican Dominionist Christians, the 3 Trump appointed “originalist” Supreme Court Justices, and the basis of the argument that the US was founded as a Christian nation. (In case anyone is interested, Canadian cons use the same argument).
But Lilley’s arguments are lost on the general public. Most don’t understand this coded language & pointed reinforcement of approval for civil disobedience to public health orders, disdain for secular laws & resistance to limits on liberty & freedom of movement during a pandemic.
You want to know why Q’Anon and radicalized Evangelical Christians are failing to comply with public health edicts. Because of messages like this.

Unless you’re part of the cult, you don’t understand cult coded communication.

This is called hiding in plain sight.
Lilley is using a British politician’s public narrative refuting the UK’s lockdown during the second wave of a pandemic to push the same policy here in Canada.

As numbers of infected spiral higher upwards and control of transmission becomes less and less likely.
I wasn’t kidding when I said the far right is promoting herd immunity. This is how they are doing it. Using coded language to communicate the permission to flout public health edicts. Endangering us all because religious extremists trust god will protect them from infection.
The partnership between church control of the faithful and corporate interests couldn’t be more obvious to me in this tweet by Lilley.

And they call themselves Christians. 🤢🤬

I’m disgusted and enraged.
Dominionism is an adulteration of Christian faith to achieve political and economic ends.

This isn’t faith.

It’s manipulation of the faithful to meet corporate’s and Christian leader’s power and wealth aspirations.
And it’s documentation of conflicting messages from far right provincial governments in Canada. Premiers sound reasonable by putting public health edicts in place. Then loyal insiders communicate permission to flout the orders for those who understand coded language.
Why else are “law and order” conservatives refusing to mandate masks and system wide lockdowns? The public hears them ask for voluntary compliance, but they refuse to mandate masks and regulations to keep people safe.
It’s referred to as double speak or talking out both sides of your mouth.

The general public is completely unaware. They only hear one side of the narrative, the public health edict. Unaware Lilley is communicating for cons on their behalf covertly. Loyalist that he is.
You want proof American, UK and Canadian far right Conservatives are catering to Dominionist Christians?

This is proof. This is paleolibertarianism. A combination of extreme right libertarianism and archaic belief in white supremacy of Dominionism using divine “natural law.”
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