Hi Craig, Iowa media person here. You all LITERALLY put my face in an attack ad and I got an email threatening to shoot me and I lost my job. Also, the head of the Iowa GOP screamed in my face and I got bomb threats afterwards. https://twitter.com/IowaGOPer/status/1324508805649096705
When I emailed the head of the Iowa GOP to let him know how his attacks put me and my children's lives at danger, NO ONE REPLIED. So SPARE ME the decency talk.
I had to keep my small children off YouTube for weeks so I wouldn't have to explain why there is an ad calling their mom "unprofessional & crass." My kid wants to start a podcast and because of the HATE your party spews I'm afraid for her life.
We are your neighbors. I am a human being. We go to the same bars. I literally attended the same churches as like half your candidates in this area. We've lived through fake media attacks not just by Trump but by YOU and YOUR party. And you want to lecture about decency?
lol love all the Iowa conservatives who are like "oh my I had no idea what was going on." But then are gaslighting me like "oh but also proof, please?" like I haven't written about this and like it's not right there in Jeff Kaufmann's tweets.
literally any reporter in this state who has ever reported anything decent has had the Iowa GOP outrage machine come after them, you know what NOT THIS WEEK, CRAIG
I love you all but I'm fine. I'm just pointing out Craig's hypocrisy
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