Y’all the presidential race is not close. That’s not what these results show. I think folks are wedded to a narrative they expected to see and refuse to adjust their analysis to reflect the data.
That many of the down ballot races were tighter than the presidential contest or went to GOP is confirmation that Biden was about the only Dem the white electorate was willing to trade Trump out for & they reject any effort toward deeper change beyond that https://mobile.twitter.com/BreeNewsome/status/1324511085068734465
Biden is flipping states that Trump won in 2016 at much higher margins than Trump won them by & he’s likely about to win a couple states that Dems haven’t won in decades. I’m not pontificating, I’m looking at the data.
I’m not even offering commentary on how I feel about this right now, I’m literally just saying what the data shows lol
He’s about to have a wider popular vote margin than Obama had in 2012. There’s a lot that can be interpreted from this data, but that “the race is close” is not one of them
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