You're a spineless traitor to not just this country, but the rule of law and the democracy of our republic. If you think you can get away with doing nothing and allowing the DNC terrorists to commit 3 of the greatest frauds of all time with no pushback you're as crazy as them
The GOP was a dead lifeless husk whose only members were cowardly, warmongering, Lincoln project styled controlled opposition for the DNC. Until Trump revived it into something relevant as a force for pushing back against the endless evils and malice of the left it had no purpose
Every fucking step of the way all those cowardly RINOs where tied at the hip with the DNC's corruption and the exclusively anti-american efforts of the left and have cucked to it to stall, destroy and obstruct him. Mark my words without Trump or the Populist spirit you're nothing
Worse than nothing, Nothing cannot do harm which is all the left is capable of as every leftist is a monster and predator and the absolute dregs of humanity and the people are sick of it. The DNC will pine for the days when they have had a soft moderate populist like Trump
The left invented an infinite number of completely insane delusions and all manner of mendacious defamation of their political rivals, but let me remind you of the truth. Trump has 2 kinds of supporters
1) people that hoped he would fix this broken system that has been destroyed by the Obama dictatorship.

These people truly believe in our country and had their naivety tested by the left showing just how evil they truly are as the entire corrupt system went after Trump for years
2) The fuck you votes

These were the people that hate the DNC, The Left or is just pissed at them. They see how the left and RINOs have not just failed the people, but actively work the fuck the country over.

Trump was their way to punish the system because no other way existed
Guess which group has only grown with time as the as last facet of the left has gone completely insane and rabidly psychopathic these past 6 years? Every academic, media and government vermin has revealed themselves but Trump is soft and squishy and pulls all of his punches
The first candidate able to to see how most of the country wants a savage and merciless strong man to take no shit and tolerate no fool -to grind the left into a political paste. An avatar of the we the peoples well deserved revenge will have more support than anything in history
The GOP should it not defend our republic, to let the most corrupt and blatant campaign fraud in history built by for and with terrorism in history pass without a fight then the GOP absolutely will go down with DNC and deserve to. If I have to build a 3rd party myself I will
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