Anyway, I'm going to do a thread on my politics/beliefs as I'm always asked about them. I respect you may disagree, my mind is always open to change if your view is supported by better evidence than mine. I'm not perfect & thats what drives me to try to improve. Thx folks. Thread
I support the party who recognizes human & civil rights don't change based on nationality, religion, gender, skin color etc, who wants less billionaires & more better paying jobs, who want real affordable housing, who's definition of a "terrorist" is consistent & not subjective..
War crimes, illegal occupation, breaking international law/treaties, nations who build concentration camps, who murder journalists, nations built on apartheid etc are all held equally accountable no matter who they are...
I want my party to remember we gave them the power they have, their raison d'etre is to serve the public & not corporations at our expense. My party shouldn't try to tell me that the best way for us to prosper is to give billionaires more money so they can give us a bit. I want
my party to listen to our youth as they tell you they can't afford an education & life's basic provisions rather than dismiss them as lazy snowflake kids who weren't spanked. I want my party to legitimately care about climate change & legislate like the settled issue it is....
I want my party to trust society 18+ to decide for ourselves what we want to do with our bodies. If I want to consume a substance, that's up to me just like it's up to a woman what she does with her body, it's the one thing we absolutely have to own, our body. I want my party to
Overhaul the judicial system, right now it's nothing more than a place to satisfy those with a fetish for punishing people & for private contractors to make money. A judicial system that treats addicts medicinally & who never locks anyone up for taking or being in possession of a
Substance that poses no objective threat to another human being. My party must fight for our curriculums to include educating our children about the crimes of the past, schools would be much more than obey & recite, they would teach life skills, mindfulness & abandon homework..
Our children must be educated to be more than an obedient worker, they must be educated to be better human beings, to understand that people's experiences differ based on skin color, gender, nationality etc & educate why otherwise we are destined to repeat it...
If we want a safer society then we have to stop treating people as sub human. The average American commits 3 felonies a day & doesn't know it, it's luck that separates you and the condemned. Of course there are dangerous people in there but as other countries have shown, there's
a better way. I want my party to prosecute with much greater veracity white collar criminals who looted the nations life savings from their computer than a guy who looted an insured tv from Target. One got our tax dollars & the other went to prison to the bizarre delight of many
I want my party to demand if we're going to incarcerate drug dealers & takers then we are also going to incarcerate bankers who launder cartels money (which is why they can exist). To also demand prosecution of employers as well as the illegal immigrant. I want my party
To make a commitment that they will never prosecute a whistle blower. If an individual risks their life, their career & their future to tell you that people who took an oath are ignoring that oath, breaking the law & abusing human rights, then we owe that person protection.
My Politics are based on having a society that's fair for everyone, that is empathic & that recognizes our imperfections. We are all different & constantly changing. I want to live in a world where we're all equal & where truth is king even if it offends us.
Lastly, my party must represent an ideology that patriotism is not blind adherence to an elected representative, nor is it a must for every immigrant to adopt certain political views to illustrate their gratitude & "assimilation" does not mean "behave exactly like me".
So in a nutshell, I don't have a party, my views are shaped by my education, social conditioning, life experiences, genetics, education etc as are yours & they're bound to differ. Fear & hate leads to bigger locks, bigger guns & constant anxiety, that's not living.
So whatever the label is for someone who wants a world like that, that's me. The media has a massive role to play here, they became cheerleaders for their favorite political party, turned the news in to entertainment & deliberately blurred the lines between fact & opinion.
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