The President, from the podium at the White House, is accusing Democrats and vote-counters of rigging an election. It’s nearly impossible to fact-check in real time, but no one is trying to block poll watchers in PA
Nearly the entirety of what Trump is saying is untrue. Has anyone seen a single elected Republican leader saying anything along these lines? @SenToomey said he’s heard no proof of fraud in PA
It’s not about what you say at a podium. It’s about what you produce on the record in court, and so far, a judge threw out a case because there was “no evidence” of what the Trump campaign was suggesting.
It is not confusing why so many Democrats voted by mail compared to Republicans in these states. It was predicted by nearly every expert for the last several months. He's assailed vote-by-mail for months, so his supporters overwhelmingly voted in-person.
Noticeably, there was no issue raised from President Trump about votes being counted in Arizona and Nevada, where he needs them to be counted to win.
Former GOP Senator and Presidential Candidate Rick Santorum just said no elected Republican will stand behind what President Trump just said.
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