My list of what I’d like Biden to do:
1) Exec order that removes all of the previous occupant’s exec orders & returns us to where we were when Obama left office.
2) Hire Dr Fauci, get a handle on covid.
3) Investigate trump admin
4) Reform Scotus & investigate Kennedy resig. 1/
5) Infrastructure
6) Handle the economy (currently in recession)
7) Fire everyone who previous occupant hired and sweep for bugs (this needs to be #1 actually or before 1)
8) Reform our police system from recruitment to training to management
9) Shore up (or replace) ACA
10) Replant White House Garden and Rose Garden
11) Bring back Science Fair and add holidays that are not Christian to the WH celebrations (ie: Eid, Passover...) and add non religious celebrations as well.
12) Shore up protections for LGBTQ citizens & immigrants, and Dreamers
13) Term limits for congress & election finance reform
14) get rid of for profit prisons & for profit charter schools
15) Clean jobs, join Paris accords, work to save our environment, job training to help coal families find new work
16) help for small businesses hurt by covid
17) mental health programs need more funding, so does funding for metastatic cancer research. Mets is the kind that kills people.
18) Substance abuse programs need to be expanded and funding provided.
19) Rebuild our relations with foreign allies.
I’ll come back and add more. I think this is a good start. I’ll be glad to take suggestions. I’m sure I’ve forgotten something.
And reunite them with their families. 6/
Adding this 7/
Scotus seat for Hillary Clinton
I’m actually up to 23. Don’t know how I left these off:
23) Safe and legal abortions on demand (and covered by our new healthcare for all program, as is birth control) and
24) At one point I was promised taco trucks on every corner. 9/
25) common sense gun reform! Don’t know how I left that off. Weapons of war do not belong in the hands of the public. 10/
From my husband:
26) Bring in experts on deprogramming people who have been part of cults.
Can’t believe I forgot this!
27) ELECTION SECURITY We need to be unhackable. Hand marked paper ballots.
28) Thank you, Carly, for this addition! 13/
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