“The pandemic is fundamentally over... we are now at community immunity” @MichaelYeadon3 As a prime example consider the Petri dish of the House of Commons... https://twitter.com/talkradio/status/1324295089733226497
So how many MP’s had the virus back in the Spring eg @BorisJohnson @MattHancock Nadine Dorries, Kate Osborne etc etc not to mention the infamous Dominic Cummins all of whom survived happily or otherwise
So given how easily the virus can spread it must be reasonable that in a close working environment like the Cabinet many were exposed but were asymptomatic or had prior immunity
If this were as deadly as Neil Ferguson projected we should by rights have tragically lost about 1 in 100 MP’s or roughly 5 deaths to date whereas in fact we have an IFR of 0%
Looking at the House of Lords which on the basis of age has a much higher risk profile what is the IFR - again to date 0% (in England current average age of covid victims is 82.4 yrs so almost dead in line with average life expectancy - ref @allisonpearson Planet Normal podcast)
So simply on the lay case study of our sitting government where is the basis for lockdown? Are we supposed to believe lockdown saved these sages? The scientific arguments put forward by @MichaelYeadon3 are far more plausible
The urgent question we should all be demanding the answer to given the whole country is effectively being subjected to a generational furlough on future earnings is Why Are They Doing This? We deserve better answers. @DesmondSwayne 🙏
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