I’m back outside the Maricopa County voting center with another crowd of Trump supporters gathered at the same site as the night before.

This time officials have erected a fence to keep praying demonstrators away from the entrance. @FDRLST
Fox and the AP have each called Arizona for Biden, who currently leads by 70,000 votes while thousands remain to be counted.

Maricopa County, the state’s biggest, is expected to report another batch at 9pm eastern. Last night’s cut Biden’s lead by half https://thefederalist.com/2020/11/05/trump-is-closing-the-gap-in-arizona/
Protest leader re-emphasizing the group’s commitment to safety.

“We are not going to harm anybody. This is a peaceful protest.”

Group expected to swell tonight as the county prepares to release results in a few hours
Cheering for the cameras while airing Trump press conference in the background
On government property, the First Amendment only applies to half this parking lot. #MaricopaCounty #Arizona
Crowd has tripled in size from just an hour ago
Starting out the night with The Star Spangled Banner after @KellyTownsend11 takes questions on #SharpieGate
Biden’s lead drops below 60,000 statewide after drop from Pima County.

More votes expected from Maricopa County at the top of the hour
https://twitter.com/garrett_archer/status/1324517060903202816?s=21 https://twitter.com/garrett_archer/status/1324517060903202816
More votes from Maricopa County just brought Biden’s Arizona lead down to ~46,000.

Good news for the president on track to hold the state. Still 316,000 to count.
On Sharpiegate, @KellyTownsend11, who has been investigating tells me the biggest issue is the irregularities between precincts, where some were forced to use the markers and others weren’t sparking confusion.

Validity of ballots will play out in courts courts, she said.
Arizona’s Republican attorney general meanwhile just released this statement an hour ago:
https://twitter.com/generalbrnovich/status/1324526305677750272?s=21 https://twitter.com/generalbrnovich/status/1324526305677750272
. @RepGosar is here now
. @RepGosar urging crowd to keep the faith, urge SCOTUS to take up cases from midwestern states
Prayers outside the Maricopa County election center
Alex Jones arrived
Alex Jones leading the chant, “BIDEN FOR PRISON” outside the Maricopa County election center
This moment, Alex Jones tells Trump supporters in Arizona, is “as important as 1776, July 4”
Alex Jones discovers Antifa showing up behind him
My entire interview with Alex Jones on his way out.

Q: What will big tech be like under Joe Biden? Will censorship be worse?

Jones: Communist China is the model.
Group is back in prayer
Antifa is already gone by the way. They had about ten people in total, who left after a @Cernovich and others got between them and Trump demonstrators to defuse situation.

I didn’t see any punches thrown.
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