Thread below describes irregularities in counts and percentages of votes for Biden in Milwaukee wards between values posted as of 4 AM Wednesday night ( later in the day when Biden took the lead. But it doesn't establish fraud. I think I have that now.
This a Blant-Altman or level of agreement plot. It shows relationship between two measures- the number of votes for Biden by ward at 4 AM and later. From this, you can see a tight correlation between the mean of the late/early votes and the number of "extra votes" added later.
But that's not what's most remarkable about that plot. For a group of Wards, the number of "extra votes" is a perfectly shaped line. They added votes- for a subset of wards only as a perfect linear function of the average of the totals they were aiming for and the initial count.
The same is true for the Trump totals for those same wards.
That may not be the only thing going on- other wards may have had other amounts added- see this shorter "line" for a smaller group of wards. But I think this establishes convincingly that not only was there fraud, it was done systematically across multiple wards.
A literal, y=mx+b Algebra 1 level equation was used to determine how many votes to add to a group of wards. This disenfranchises other Milwaukee and Wisconsin voters who expect that they are not going to be wiped out by someone's computer program, not to mention fake votes. Sad.
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