Stronger protections for minorities depress support for democracy.

Backlash across the world. Christopher Claassen’s very depressing paper in APSR 2020
Whenever historically dominant groups fear losing their privileges, they react aggressively to preserve their entitlements.

That’s universal

I can only think of four exceptions in which backlash does *not* occur
1) if the dominant groups sees social change as beneficial: shared prosperity in thriving regions; men benefit from their wife’s employment

2) people’s beliefs shift with urbanisation/ working together

3) death & generational replacement

4) the minority is organised & resists
1) includes

Local economic geography : thriving regions like London not voting for brexit, see work by @rodriguez_pose;

and Latin America’s pink tide holding as long as middle class groups saw redistribution as win-win, while commodity prices were high in the 2000s
2) is that through mixing & mingling, working together in shared projects or large firms, people come to recognise shared interests

So attitudes are usually more liberal in cities

(Some of this is a compositional effect of educated liberals moving to cities)
3) In the vast majority of countries, the younger generation is more progressive.

So social change happens one death at a time

(but Ofc this is mediated by other things, like local economic geography).
4) dominant groups may wish to protect & preserve their entitlements but the extent to whether they can achieve this depends on whether the minority is effectively organised & can resist.

Many examples from gender, race, caste, nationality...
Yes, this is common when men expect to be breadwinners, when female employment jeopardises men’s normative role as household head & providers

But afaik, it weakens with prolonged & widespread exposure to women in the workforce

(I’m talking decades. Social change is slowwwww)
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