🚨🚨An updated thread explaining or debunking the many viral claims being made online in relation to voter fraud, and against both parties in the #USElections 🚨🚨

If you sent me a question/claim, & it doesn't yet appear on the thread, it means I'm still looking into it.
CLAIM: “Election Software did not match printed tabulator tapes”

This comes from a very dubious source – TheGateWayPundit – a conspiracy website that shares numerous fake news articles & was involved in spreading the debunked Pizzagate conspiracy. It is no longer even 1/4.
2/4. ...considered a trusted source by the Trump campaign. However, even if the claims is true, it just provides another example of how the counting process works, as the article itself even admits: "The total votes that were counted by the election software did not match printed
3/4. ...tabulator tapes. Official results were based upon the printed tabulator tapes. Therefore, the printed tabulated tapes from each precinct will be counted manually. The results will be deemed “official” once the independent board of canvassers verifies them...
CLAIM: “The Elections Department Officer admitted that sharpies did spoil ballots of Trump voters”

This is a very misleading statement. The officer does not admit any such thing. In fact she states that in the past, ballots marked using sharpies.. 1/4 https://twitter.com/Pismo_B/status/1324441737947852801
2/4. ...could not be verified by the counting machines. Yet as this point, the crowd rudely interrupt and shout over her just as she goes to explain that this no longer happens.
The fact is that sharpies do not spoil ballots, and are 100% counted and now accepted by counting..
3/4. ..machines. Even if a machine could not read a ballot, all ballots rejected by machines are still manually checked at least twice. If a mark is clearly made for a candidate, and the ballot is legitimate, it is then accepted into the count.
4/4. The Maricopa County Board of Supervisors have issued a statement re the inaccurate claims:
2/3. ...however cannot be verified yet because he provided the claim anonymously. However, this is being looked into, and Project Veritas has been contacted by a "Special Agent within the Office of Inspector General for the USPS" and is assessing if an investigation into...
3/3. ...the allegations is required.

I’d recommend following @Project_Veritas for updates.
CLAIM: "My grandmother didn’t request a vote, but the system shows she voted."

This appears to be a bot. No name of care home is given, so it cannot be checked. The account owner has failed to respond to questions from myself and many others. https://twitter.com/csomk2/status/1324221320771481600
CLAIM: “Mike Pence delivered empty PPE boxes to a rehabilitation centre”.

Pence was in fact filmed carrying FULL boxes of PPE into the centre. He then returned to the van, went to pick up another box, yet was told it was empty, so made a joke and put the box back down.
You can follow @Jay_Beecher.
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