Reflecting on today's hearing of the #spycopsinquiry: Rajiv Menon QC & Matthew Ryder QC both gave eloquent forceful statements that were delivered with the sufficient gravitas that the deeply disturbing, grief-ridden brutal life experiences they talked about deserved. Anyone...
... unfamiliar with the callous cruelty and extreme violence that has been experienced by many the people that #spycops were tasked to target, would have a hard time processing the scale of it today. They gave much needed balance to the appalling tone-deaf submissions from...
... police lawyers of the previous two day, which had put an incredibly inappropriate spin on events. Some of which had been more than uncomfortable to sit through. The most compelling section of the day however came at the end of the day from...
... from a fellow activist and member of @UndercoverNet Dónal O’Driscoll, who was representing himself. Hearing the authentic voice of another person who was subject to infiltration speak about all the feelings that so many people who were targeted by undercover police...
... are feeling during these proceedings was a much needed shift in tone. Following these proceedings closely is not without its phycological strain for anyone who is emotionally invested in the topic. I have spent a great deal of time getting quite annoyed with...
... many of the earlier submissions. Thankfully this platform gives me an opportunity to vent, but it was affirming to have someone set out so many of the feelings on this process that I share.
It is ridiculous that from next Wednesday I will have to travel from the low-covid Republic Of Wales to high covid Llundain, all because the chair of @ucpinquiry is unwilling to stream the evidence hearings anywhere except a special hotel conference room, & of course his own home
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