Definition of failing up --->> DC Dem paid media consultants.
Here's the thing. There's more luck to a campaign than most folks want to admit. GIven that reality, the best thing a candidate can do is use the platform to highlight an issue.
I will always be proud of @FredHubbell's Iowa Gov campaign in 2018. He used it to highlight the bungled privatization of Iowa's Medicaid program.
On the flip side, what needle was moved in some of these $200 million dollar Senate races? What issues were brought to the forefront? It just seems like an expensive vanity project.
I can't stomach much more finger poiting. My suggestions for moving forward.

1. Let's trust people in a state to run a campaign in their state. No one size fits all approach anymore.
2. At least one deep dive into how $200 million was spent in one of these campaigns is needed -- like a line by line audit. In my little bubble, I've heard way too many examples of waste and graft.
3. Create a commission to figure out the role of a party in the 21st century. Because right now, most are in old Pizza Huts and just exist to telemarket and transfer funds to DC consultants.
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