- Opposed the Equality Act

- Joked about Mike Pence saying he wanted to hang LGBTQ+ people

- Banned transgender members from the military

- Supported eliminating the Affordable Healthcare Act
- Appointed Judges that were publicly anti-LGBTQ+

- Supported LGBTQ+ discrimination in the workplace

- Took away non-discrimination protections from the Obama-Era

- Proposed and Created a religious discrimination division

- Stopped school guidance on transgender students
- Proposed cutting 1.3 billion from PEPFAR budget

- Ignored complaints/pleas from transgender students

- Issued a rule to license discrimination

- Eliminated language protecting LGBTQ kids participating in the 4-H program

- Used title IX to discriminate against trans students
- Refused to condemn anti-LGBTQ hate groups and attacks (Example: Chechnya)

- Let foster care programs discriminate while accepting tax-payer money

- Never addressed LGBTQ+ people in National Aids Day address

- Left the U.N. Human Rights Council
- Refused LGBTQ+ asylum seekers fleeing violence

- Allowed emergency shelters to deny access to transgender people

- Eliminated information on LGBTQ+ rights, representation, and mentions on government websites

- Undermined the Section 1557 Rule
- Placed transgender people who were incarcerated in the wrong prison

- Refused Visas to partners of diplomats

- Ignored and blocked questions of sexual orientation from consideration for the Census

- Changed ruled to deny surrogate born children citizenship
To LGBTQ+ people who support Trump:

Trump doesn't care for you. He has lied to us for 4 years while using our image to campaign for his administration. He will not relent, and if he is reelected he will only continue. Don't fall for it a 2nd time. Fight.
You can find the information on this and more on http://HRC.org 

Retweets are appreciated.

(I'm sorry if this appears for a 2nd time on your feed, I made some spelling errors on the first thread.)
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