This syndrome has a name, by the way: It’s name is Enlightenment rationalism. It’s biggest cheese was Descartes.

Moderate skeptics like Boyle, Newton, and Hume did all they could to convince us to knock it off and stop believing the experts and their big cheese “reason.”
But way too many people are still unable to grasp the basic skeptical point:

Every profession is vulnerable to groupthink.

Every profession thinks *way* too much of itself.

Every profession can be corrupted.
That goes double for pollsters:

They’ve never had a reliable science.

They’re always stuck with guessing and assuming when they build their models.

They’ve gotten many, many elections wrong. And they always will.
Their exaggerated sense of what they can do, their lack of humility—that’s on them.

But the fact that you keep believing them, when you could just learn not to—that’s entirely on you.
Next time, try not believing in the polling.

Once you really, truly, stop believing the polls, you’ll discover that it’s not a “crisis” at all.

You’ll find that you are free of this superstition you’ve been carrying around.

You’ll be a freer person, and wiser.
Then you’ll be one step closer to reality as it really is:

A reality in which there’s a whole lot we just don’t know...

Including a lot of what the experts and their journalist groupies keep telling us we know.
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