Years ago, I had 3 of the top pickup artists in the world as marketing clients. Their students were disgruntled, angry, and very wounded men. Not all were 'bad' guys. In fact, many just had no idea how to relate to women.

But the ones that were unpleasant all had the same M.O. They were angry, bitter and once they learned a few tricks that worked for them, they went crazy on the power and began seducing every girl they could.

The girls that turned them down were simply called "cold bitches" and verbally attacked.

I see the same energy in esoteric magic. So many students coming into magic, and taking courses, are disgruntled at something, angry, and looking for 'power'.

A feeling of control

They predictably learn compulsion magic (rape magic), hexing, binding, and cursing.

The second anyone crosses these people in any way, even if it's just a simple disagreement online, their first goto is "I'm gonna bind and curse the fuck out of them!

I'll teach them a lesson! Nobody messes with 'Master Frater 'Evil Nox' Wombat Lord'! NOBODY!

This is so common that it's no longer even comical. It's just plain sad.

Why not learn some simple conflict resolution skills?

Why not learn some impulse control and develop some emotional callus towards negativity?

Why not learn how to genuinely build rapport with people so that they WANT to be with you?

Why not work on becoming a more charismatic, understanding, and sexy human being?

Why? Because those things take time & effort and it's easier to just be a lazy S.O.B and let some conjured entity do what you can't do for yourself.

Just know this...regardless of how many spells you learn & spirits you conjure unless you grow up, you're still just sad.

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