1/ Last night I called out one of my #yyccc colleagues on Twitter. I have been a City Councillor for 2 terms and I am angry about some of the behaviour I've witnessed over that time.

I think it is time to call it out.
2/ During a discussion about supervised consumption sites in Calgary, Councillor Chu said that addiction is a "choice". This is deeply insulting to the thousands of Calgarians who have lost a loved one during the opioid crisis.
3/ My brother died of an overdose and I wish I had called the Councillor more forcefully at the time.
4/ Councillor Chu also called Ireland's decision to allow same-sex marriage a "social revolution" and compared it to cycle tracks. The lack of respect to members of Calgary's LGBTQ community was both appalling and unforgivable.
5/ I grew up with 2 moms and I wish I had called the Councillor out more forcefully at the time.
6/ One of the most pressing issues of our time and one that, as a father of a young child keeps me up at night, is climate change. Councillor Chu has repeatedly called climate change into question.

Again... I wish I had spoken out.
7/ So I will not apologize and I promise to speak out more forcefully in the future.
8/ The world is changing. Calgary needs to change with it in order to thrive in the future. I love Calgary. It has been my home for my entire life. I have worked hard to do the best for my city and for my constituents. I have not always succeeded.
9/ But I can't sit idly by and ignore the actions and words that both hurt and insult large numbers of Calgarians.

In a world that's more divided than ever, I truly believe we must call out distortion, misinformation, ignorance, and hate.
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