So I've asked several HS students today, "What do you wish your teachers knew about their students and online learning?" Here are some of their anonymous responses.
A thread...
"Without being in class each day having the teacher structure my time and remind me of stuff, I have trouble keeping track of things when I have multiple things to do. One activity or project at a time would be better for me"
"Sometimes things just feel like busy work. Sure it's easier to get stuff done when I don't have to put much thought into it, but I learn more when I have to think."
"I know they want cameras on to make sure I'm in class, but it's better when the teacher lets me point the camera up so it is just the top of my head. I don't like showing people the bedroom I share with my sister. Most of us are not comfortable on camera."
"It's much easier for me to focus at school. At home I'd rather be on my bed, my phone, playing video games, whatever. Too many distractions. And then teachers wonder why I don't get my work done - too many other things I can do that are way more entertaining."
"I wish teachers understood that we don't want to learn this stuff. We're in class because we have to be. The classes I choose are better because I want to be there and I feel like I'm learning something that will be helpful to me in the future."
"Online stuff is pretty boring. Teachers try to make it interesting, but students don't have any say in what we do. I like it when we get some choices. Classes with creative projects are way better."
I know it's a small sample of student voices, but I thought their ideas were worth sharing.
If we don't keep our students at the center of our school and classroom decision making, then we're doing them a disservice.
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