nobody in america knows what words actually mean
the destruction of meaning is a bipartisan effort
i am overwhelmed by the degree to which americans refuse to think
taxing private enterprise to fund public services is not, in any way, socialism. it is capitalism, as there is private enterprise to tax.
counting votes is literally *the thing you do* in an election. this is so hilariously obvious that i will not explain further. go fuck exposed rebar
there is no "extreme left" party that wields power in america. none. literally zero. the democrats are right of center. if this upsets you, go cry into your bank account
police do not need guns to do police work. this has been proven for centuries across the globe. it is empirical fact. if this upsets you, you probably have time slots penciled in your calendar to torture puppies, and your opinion is stupid
actual centrism looks more like bernie sanders than any member of the democratic establishment. if this upsets you, too bad. reality is more ~pragmatic~ than rebranding conservatism
if your politics ignore the needs of poor people—actual, honest-to-god poor people, not middle class people that don't know how to balance a checkbook—then your politics are selfish, immoral, and deserve to fail. no matter what party you are affiliated with. deal with it.
prison does not create justice. it creates incarceration. incarceration exacerbates every problem it pretends to solve. punishment does not work. it is a lazy solution that makes everything worse. no amount of chest-beating will change that. sorry.
there will never be "reverse racism." racism is not arbitrary personal feelings of hatred. racism is a system of power based on a fictional taxonomy of human beings. white people will never be oppressed for being white. "white" itself is a statement of superiority, not a color.
anti-fascism is not "the real fascism." fascists are the real fascists. obviously. the Allies were not ~the real Axis~ the whole time. that's not how reality works. cope
the civil war was about slavery. capitalism has benefitted immensely from slavery, so much that slavery was never actually ended. the ideal wage under capitalism is $0, therefore capitalism will always try to recreate slavery. this is a basic consequence of capitalist incentive.
"hard work" is a fake virtue the rich use to exploit you. the phrase "hard working americans" is sleight of hand to ignore anyone who refuses to be exploited by the rich, anyone who is disabled, or anyone who does not value money above all else.
there's like a million more things that american oligarchs have propagandized into oblivion. for example: the idea that only russia has oligarchs.

when rich people point the finger at other countries, they are always manipulating you.
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