1/ Over the last four years, the Trump administration has capitalized on resentments to wage war against the H-1B visa program, which has brought skilled immigrants into the US for 30 years. (📝 by  @_ananyaaa)  https://qz.com/guide/h-1b-visa/
2/ The program is an engine for US economic growth. Data show that despite the Trump administration’s clampdown, the H-1B’s charm holds steadfast. Thousands more people apply than there are visas available.  https://qz.com/india/1915511/how-the-h-1b-visa-has-shaped-america-and-impacted-the-world/
4/ In the meantime, highly skilled, young workers from India—the biggest group of H-1B recipients—are abandoning the American dream and moving home. The technical jobs they held in the US may follow them.  https://qz.com/india/1916878/what-india-stands-to-gain-from-the-h1-b-visa-ban/
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