I've seen a couple of people do this, so thought I'd give it a go! For each day of Lockdown I'll recommend a book.

#1 Ninth House by Leigh Bardugo. A gripping adult fantasy novel set at Yale, where secret societies practice illicit magic. A dark tale of privilege & power.
#2 - The Silent Stars Go By by @Sally_Nicholls

Harry, Margot's fiance was reported MIA during the war. It's Christmas 1919 & Harry has miraculously returned home - but Margot's devastating secret is just waiting to be revealed. A truly evocative and wonderfully written YA novel
#3 - You Should See Me In A Crown by @byleahjohnson.

A truly joyous romcom about Liz, a Black queer teen, who is forced to run for prom queen in her very white neighbourhood. Funny, smart, sad, sassy and phenomenally heartwarming. YA at its most vibrant, such a fantastic read.
#4 - The Vanishing Half by Brit Bennett

Aged just 16, Vignes twins run away from their small southern Black community. 10 years later their lives have taken very different paths, one sister returning with a black daughter & the other passing for white. Wonderfully intricate.
#5 Punching the Air by Ibi Zoboi and Yusef Salaam

A free verse novel about a boy sent to prison for a crime he didn't commit. A phenomenally powerful examination of systematic racism. Such an important and beautifully written read.
#6 Afterlove by @tanyabyrne

Ash is about to become a reaper in the afterlife, but she is determined to see her first love Poppy Morgan again, the only thing that separates them is death. A wonderful meditation of life, death & everything in between. Poignant & heartbreaking.
#7 The Black Kids by Christina Hammonds Reed

Los Angeles, 1992. For Ashley Bennett & her friends summer and its endless possibilities are on the horizon. But everything changes when the 4 police officers are acquitted for the murder of Rodney King and violence engulfs the city.
#8 The Inheritance Games by @jenlynnbarnes

One day Avery is just a normal teen girl, the next she's the named recipient of one of the largest fortunes in America - but no-one knows why and everyone wants a slice of the fortune. A truly gripping mystery full of angst & romance
#9 All The Lonely People by @mikegayle

Hubert Bird is alone, lonelier than he refuses to believe or accept. He's not the only one. And, when his new neighbour moves in, she makes it her mission to bring all the lonely people together. A beautiful meditation on love and loss.
#10 Someday at Christmas by @lizzie_byron

The story of 27-year-old Shell, situation-ship Nick and her new boss Callum. Effortlessly diverse and inclusive, along with a no-snootiness approach to Hallmark Christmas movies, this was an absolutely delightful full-of-heart romance
#11 All About Us by @TomEllen7

When a stranger sells Ben a mysterious watch one freezing winter’s night, he gets to go back and change his past - but does it really need changing? A funny, warm, charming, sad, profound, joyous & inventive take A Christmas Carol.
#12 After The Silence by Louise O'Neill

A dark, gripping story packed full of aching tragedy set 10 years after a murder which haunted a small island and changed the perfect lives of Henry and Keelin Kinsella for ever. A deliciously compelling and insidious read.
#13 Loveless by @AliceOseman

Georgia though going to uni would bring answers about who she is, but instead she's even more lost & confused. Alice Oseman is not only the voice of a generation, she is a voice of those who those who've not been listened to for too long. Essential.
#14 Melt My Heart by @bethanyrutter

Lily has spent her entire life in the shadow of her twin. But when Cal comes along, he choses her - she just can't understand why & why she doesn't feel the same. Is is something to do with her BFF Cassie...? A beautiful & uplifting novel.
#15 Staunch by @eleanor_wood

Eleanor finds herself in her late 30s on a beach in India with three old ladies, trying to ‘find herself’ and ‘discover her family history’. But what lead her there and can she ever heal from it? A beautifully happy-sad memoir.
#16 Pretending by @holly_bourneYA

April has been lead around all too often by men & online dating. That's why she decides to reinvent herself as Gretel, 'a perfect woman' that men will love. Except things get complicated way too quickly... Very relatable and unputdownable!
#17 Olive by @emmagannon

Olive is child-free, by choice, and has no plans to change that - not that anyone in her life understands that. A funny and often very moving exploration of female friendship and societal expectations.
#18 Eight Pieces of Silva by @LawrencePatrice

With their parents on honeymoon, Becks is left with her stepsister Silva. Except Silva disappears, inadvertently leaving behind 8 clues to her secret life. A gripping and thrilling YA mystery with a hugely important message.
#19 Burn by Patrick Ness

USA. 1957. A cold war is in the horizon and the world is on the brink of destruction. An enthralling tale of revenge, redemption, prophecies and dragons.
#20 - Every Little Piece Of My Heart by @NonPratt

Sophie thinks she's finally going to get answers about why Freya left town so suddenly. Instead she & several others are given letters they must piece together. A beautiful story about love, friendship and everything in-between.
#21 Boy, Everywhere by @a_reflective

13 year old Sami's life is torn apart when bombing teaches his city in Syria. Fleeing for their lives, his family face a long and dangerous journey to safety. A heartbreaking and essential read.
#22 Love In Colour by @BeeBabs

Beautiful retellings of love stories from history and mythology. These short stories are sumptuous, romantic and utterly timeless. An exhilarating celebration of love.
#23 Asking For A Friend by @KateMallinder

Agnes, Hattie and Jake only know each other from the school bus. Things lead to them planning a week in Weston, as a ‘study break’ before exams, but none of them admit the real reasons they need to get away. Heartfelt and feelgood.
#24 The Good Hawk by @joseph_elliott

Jamie has always been filled with self doubt. Agatha has never been truly understood by her community. Yet they suddenly find themselves unlikely heroes on a journey to save their loved ones and all they've ever known. Superbly dark fantasy.
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