20 pointers on profitable positioning for agency brahs, consultants, big brain knowledge guys, and experts of all kinds.
Most experts in stuff aren’t the authority in their space - In fact, I’d be willing to bet that the guy that holds the place as the “first option” in any niche or field knows less than the guy that is on the tenth place.
Kinda like McDonalds, everyone knows their burgers are lame and there are DEF way better burgers.
But when I ask about burgers who do you think about? Yeah, McDonalds.
Here are a few straight to the point, actionable pointers you can start applying right now to:

-Be more respected in your field.
-Be perceived as the expert in the one thing you’re good at.
-Get paid at least 3x or 5x if you’re good at closing.
-Work less but get paid the same or more.
-Be desired by more, wealthier clients.
-Have a more comfortable biz experience in general (Nobody wants to be an exploited sweatshop freelancer)
1. Be a specialist in something: The easiest, foremost way to stand out is to be simply built different. Everybody does Shopify or Sales or Copywriting but not many dudes do Tailored Workflow Automation, Email marketing systems engineering or Tactical Lead Vetting/Filtering.
Embrace what you’re good at and double down if your offer/knowledge is validated by the market.
2. Have a personality: 80% of accounts of this space don’t and try to replace it with imitating Tai Lopez or whoever’s trendy right now. It’s cringe and people won’t choose you over the original guy you’re trying to copy.
Be yourself (If you’re not a loser of course, in that case BBB).
3. Demonstrate competency: The fastest way to establish expertise is just to showcase results as a case study. Yes, platitudes keep the normies engaged but meaningful, well done work attracts the prospects with big pockets.
4. Detachment is key: Never force deals, the more you want their money, the less prospects will want you to have it. People, prospects and broads can smell neediness from a mile away.
5. Beauty is status, and status is wealth: I’m a firm believer that everything should be aesthetic. From clean, elegant UXUI to the smallest details count and the right people notice.
6. A luxury nurturing experience: My agency sends our clients complimentary, tailored niche and market analysis letters for their brand and a custom 10 page PDF that explains all the steps we will go through together as partners when they work for us.
7. Authenticity: We don’t care what the industry says or what the checkmarks think because most of the time they are wrong and retarded.
We apply what we prove to be efficient, profitable and beneficial for us and our clients even when Bobby the blue checkmark corporate marketer tweets out that marketing should be about having a message (lol!!!!)
8. Subtlety is king: Never ever ever flex. Let your work do the talking and make your moves in silence.
9. Do the opposite of the normies: You will get shit from others but if you’re good people will come to you regardless. Consider this separating the ba$ed from the cringe.
10. Set boundaries: Close off DMs, enforce business hours, make people fill out onboarding and intake forms. Lots of low quality people out there that think they are entitled to your time.
The best clients always respect your requests and will find a way to contact you at the beginning.
11. Ignore the competition: Business is not a zero sum game, there is money for everyone. Channel your energy and your attention on you and your enterprise. You’re allowed to study your rivals but never to let them live in your head rent free.
12. People want want they can’t have: Your offers must be as high-end, luxurious and desirable as much as possible. Make prospects be worthy of you.
13. People want what others have: Leverage social proof and status as much as you can alongside competency.
14. Desire is proportional to availability: Just like with broads, if you’re always “there” nobody will want you. Stay (truly, not faking it) busy and have people wait for you (Don’t play hard to get tho that’s retarded).
15. Be high level (T-Shaped): Generalists and average dudes are a dime a dozen. Specialize while holding a basic understanding of the surrounding fields to your niche and people will happily pay you more. See point #1.
16. Increase your prices: If you needed a surgery would you go to the guy that charges $100 or the guy that wants $8000?
17. NEVER underprice or give discounts: This hurts your reputation, undervalues your work, reduces your worth in the eyes of people and attracts all kinds of trash, scarcity minded losers that will make your life miserable.
18. 9 left: Always portray (Genuine) scarcity: You shouldn’t work with anyone because you are not for everyone. Nuff said.
19. Polish your frontend: Don’t let people catch you with a .carrd.co domain or a @gmail address. If you don’t care about how you look on the internet are you going to care about how are you going to make clients look on it?
20. Will not explain: Don’t argue or defend your work against people that aren’t sending you money. Fitness brahs, you can reply with “Poast fizeek”.
You can follow @Bronzevertising.
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