Jobseekers, this one is for you! For some it’s probably hard to secure a role in this time especially in the midst of a pandemic! Oct-Dec is probably the worse time to apply to roles. Most companies are doing org restructures and layoffs! The hiring slows down tremendously.
Not saying that you aren’t going to secure something new but it’s hard.
Use this time to leverage your network, attend career fairs and fix up your resume! Sometimes you could be the most qualified person in the ATS( applicant tracking system).
But recruiters won’t know because those key skills aren’t highlighted! Jan-Feb is probably the best time to apply. New year, new opportunities as I like to say! The market is open to so many new roles so stay alert!
For my college students, I didn’t forget about y’all. If you’re looking for internships the best time to apply is Sept-Mar. This is when most companies are hosting events at universities to secure top talent! Did you know that 2 summer/fall internships = 1 yr work experience?!
Leverage this information, looking for a role after college isn’t easy and having some experience is better than just having your degree to show for😊 thank you for coming to my Ted Talk [email protected] for all your resume, cover letter and career coaching
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