More FIRs & a targeted PR campaign to completely tarnish Arnab & Republic may happen, where these tweets/comments will play a very important role. Every tweet/comment made right now is under severe scrutiny. Anything can, and will be used, against this organic movement.
There are about 5k to 6k handles, using SSR’s photos as DPs, very tactfully mixed in this movement. Brief for these handles: To post derogatory content against Naik’s wife/daughter, make you RT or react. It’s a TRAP. Be careful with what you react to or RT, or share anywhere.
These handles have a neatly cleaned history, are often previously used for various such targeted campaigns. They keep changing the names, delete previous tweets, and are dressed again to look like a genuine SSR or Arnab fan. Many are freshly created too.
What to do: As I mentioned earlier, don’t use derogatory language against Naik’s wife/daughter, or RT or react to such posts. We are on the winning side. We all know what’s the truth. Raise the voice. But not at the cost of hurting this beautiful organic movement.
There is a full fledged team working day & night to cause serious ‘digital harm’ to this movement, to Arnab, to Kangana, to SSR’s family, and all prominent voices in this movement. Each voice is important. Let’s not give them a chance to jeopardise all these efforts.
In the end—be alert, be smart, choose your words wisely. I know, everyone is angry, it’s tough to control it. But there is also a serious attack on FoE as of now. We have to win over this attack, no matter what.
You can follow @ErayCr.
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