Quite a remarkable development: Pompeo has revoked the designation of East Turkistan Islamic Movement (ETIM) as a terrorist organization.
GW Bush admin made this designation (of group that had committed no terrorist acts anywhere) to get PRC to agree to US invasion of Iraq in UN. This US listing in 2003 used PRC propaganda language, mistakenly said ETIM did ALL the violence in Xinjiang for previous ten years.
In fact, ETIM was a few guys in Afghanistan back country who each got a chance to shoot the AK one round a day. PRC loved US listing: in Chinese it became 美国说东突是恐怖组织, conflating ETIM with all "Dongtu" Think-tanks made hay, everybody fascinated with GWOT in China.
Now another GOP administration says, "oops, just kidding." ETIM hasn't existed since early 2000s, so this is a good development. But sneaking the de-listing out today, when US is preoccupied with election, is no coincidence. Message to PRC, but they hope US takes no heed.
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