My kids are asleep and my wife's on call. So I have the evening to explore whether my latest acquisition might enable some of my students to access online learning at quite a low cost. Of course, it's a #raspberrypi400 @Raspberry_Pi.
I am not one of life's unboxing people, but this is a live experiment, while there's uncertainty in America, fireworks in the sky and snoring from the kids' room. So I've taken shots on the way to document it.
My additional kit is an extension cord, an old monitor (with HDMI input) and a pair of headphones. They have a mic as part of them. I brought a USB plug, but it's not necessary.
I got the full pack one because I really couldn't stand finding all the bits around the house / ebay. The aim is to see how little we can get away with and still let kids access the websites we want them to. I know the maths ones well, but want to try the others, too of course.
It is *so* pretty.
And we're go. Just downloading some updates, hence the time to be able to tweet without eating in to exploration time.
It found my wifi router immediately, and no faff in putting in the password.
My first stop will be @BBCNews - seems weird not to!
Then, more eduaction-related, let's try @Team_Satchel since that's how we set our homework.
We'll go via @HegartyTeam of course, and @OakNational as well as @mathsgenie which are my first points of call invariably. And then others that I'll remember as I go.
BBC news works a treat. Would post a photo, but this is supposed to be an uplifting, positive experiment, and just about every news story makes me just a little sad. :(
Should point out, using the mouse from Raspberry Pi, and it's wonderfully weighted - not heavy, but it's bottom heavy, if that makes sense. Feels just right in the hand, and while I'm right-handed, it's clearly built for both left- and right-handed. #Inclusive #UX
Type SatchelOne into the search bar (so used to Chrome!) it searches on @DuckDuckGo. Some broader points about #EthicalTech to be explored, but not right now. This is like most of my lessons. Mad tangent to take the class down, but *it's not on the syllabus!*
Followed the link to , but it's taking a fair bit of time. Probably about a minute. Not in and of itself a problem, but worth mentioning to the students and parents.
Turns out, regardless of which computer you're using, knowing your username and password is helpful. I'm into @Team_Satchel and I'm setting my year 13s homework. Told them to relax - they've just had assessments!
So 10/10 for @Team_Satchel works a treat from the teacher's side. One of my colleagues has a kid in year 7 - I wonder if I could get them to log in to check what it's like from their side. I expect fine.
On to @HegartyTeam
Immediately an error with vimeo - I wonder if there's a setting to allow it, or a plugin or something?
You can follow @gopalisation.
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