white people all across the political spectrum only see racism as "mean," that's i think the most non-partisan position in this country
"mean" is not "dangerous," which is what we'd say instead of mean. "mean" is something that you try to end by asking politely, by being civil, by not ruffling feathers. because "mean" could be on accident, or lack of sleep, or low blood sugar
racism, to certain people, is definitely just "meanness," because they only witness it from the outside, and that's what it looks like. one isolated mean incident that you see happening to someone else
of course, if you follow the poc you just saw someone being mean to, you'll see that that's not an isolated incident. keep watching and you'll see a security guard hovering, someone cutting in front of them in a line, invisibilization and surveillance all at the same time
"mean" is what they think trump is. impolite, but ultimately harmless. symbolically making this country racist because of his presence, which means that once you vote him out, the "mean"ness stops, and the "niceness" that follows indicates racism is defeated once again
you don't wash racism out of a system like you do meanness. you can beat meanness with mocking, fundraising, voting, but you can do all of that forever and never even approach the act of resolving racism
if four years of trump wasn't enough to force white america into their come to jesus moment on race, what exactly would it take? how much worse than trump would it need to be? because... his administration killed a LOT of poc. you need more?
in november 2016 they said "we're going to protect you from this result, we didn't listen to you and we're sorry," and by december 2016 they were already focused on everything else but. i'm not forgetting every casual dismissal just because the parties in power change
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