Definition of a Swoop™ :

Swoopers show up at an event meant to be centered around total abolition of cops and prisons and they change the messaging to one of reform and "non violence".

Swoopers will ALWAYS make the good protester/bad protester analogy
Swoopers are the first to police your actions and the last person to care about houseless, disabled, and queer ppl

You can spot a swooper when they punch down at these groups

Swoopers may preach "non violence" but will swing on protesters if someone disagrees with their methods
I would appreciate if people boosted this so that we can more easily identify swoopers in the future

not all swoopers are intentionally subverting the movement, some (libs) actually think they are helping

Don't engage with them, just walk away.
this is a de escalation tactic.

I can't tell you how many times Ive seen swoopers try to square up with people who have voiced a disagreement about tactics. Good de escalation comes with anticipating escalation, and choosing to not feed into it.
another great observation

swoop troop will absentmidedly mention that they spoke to cops at one point (they may even claim they were trying to negotiate on behalf of the protest) and they'll immediately try to retract that statement once they realize their audience dislikes that
this thread is not about "last night"

This thread is about every night

Its about an observable trend

pls dont come in my mentions being defensive about "last night" because this song is not about you. It's about an observable phenomena.
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