Trump and his crew knew what they were doing:
A.) Downplay the virus
B.) Convince his followers to go to huge rallies and reinforce optics of his following being more YUGE than Biden’s.
C.) Dismantle the Postal Service and slow down service.
D.) Spread rhetoric that elections will be rigged via mail-in voting. Even though the systems used are more like absentee ballots.
E.) Convince followers to vote in person Knowing that those results will show you leading in battleground states before absentee ballots are counted
F.) Legally challenge early counting of mail-ins in Democrat stronghold states like *cough Pennsylvania so that their counts can’t begin until Election Day.
G.) Once Election night is over continue with full court press propaganda to start delegitimizing the results.
H.) Declare early victory and claim Democrats are stealing the election.
I.) Lawsuits bound and see what sticks.
J.) Depend on a hastily pushed Supreme Court replacement that put conservatives over the edge to help in the end make the final decision.
This won’t stand. Take it to the Supreme Court, Biden will be our President.
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