The funniest thing about black multi millionaires like Ice Cube is they could really put their resources together and directly invest in the black community themselves. I'm talking rebuilding neighborhoods, investing in local business owners, shelters, community funds
For a while, I looked at the world & thought "damn, this must not be possible, I must be missing something & thinking naive, cause with all the money they have... It must be some crazy paperwork..." Then I saw what Jaden Smith randomly started doing & was like so wait...
I have this theory... It might sound really crazy but it has to do with almost every multimillionaire/ billionaire, and why they choose to "donate", and how those donations make them look like they're doing something, so people can't complain, when they're actually doing nothing.
But the theory goes deeper. I believe that the reason they're actually donating )and doing nothing but making it look like they are) is because they subconsciously know that the money is really all the symbolism they have to their name.
The majority of Millionaires and Billionaires know that talent is not as rare as people believe. It's about environment, chance. Even the most talented people you know, there's someone (millions) just as talented who simply did not have the opportunity or wont be nurtured. Now..
If millionaires didn't donate and actually directly strategized to lift people up? I believe they subconsciously ask themselves "I'm recognized for this... Now if I got all these people walking around with the same opportunity as me.. all this found talent... Who will I be?"
It might be a bunch of other things of course but this was something random I was thinking about. Cause for them best rappers, singers, actors.. all potential coders, you think out of billions of people, the few that you see are it?
I believe celebrities on a subconscious level simply donate because when they do, theyve now "done something good", but know that that good keeps people "wow he's giving back" while at the same time keep the status that makes them feel like there's only a handful of them on earth
Again just thinking randomly to put this thought out there cause it's been on my mind a long time
So you're telling me, a 19-20 year old kid barely worth 5 mill at the time, got up, started a company that provided free water to flint residents.. Then didn't stop there... And created food truck businesses that gave free food to the homeless.. And you're out here DONATING? Nah.
Oh this taking off! I created a black owned marketplace where you can shop from black owned businesses in one place, making it extremely easy to support, I even created an app, I'm not asking you to purchase, I'm just asking for a follow, if you can.
"If everybody is making it, if a lot are people are seen as talented/smart/ then who am I? If more talent people thought was rare shows itself, what am I outside what most people thought was unique to just me"
And of course tax rightoffs but leave casual donations aside, I'm specifically talking about black celebrities and their backpack giveaways, & paying for a few people's rent or a paying a bill for entire grocery stores here&there. The 1s who go out their way to prove they do good
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