BREAKING NEWS: @UtahDepOfHealth reporting 2,807 new cases of #COVID19 in Utah today. 7 new deaths. 13,620 new people tested. 75 new hospitalizations. @fox13 #utpol #Utah
Here's the math on #COVID19 in Utah, per @UtahDepOfHealth...

Cases: 124,292 (2,807 new)
Tested: 1,125,606 (13,620 new)
Hospitalizations: 5,830 (75 new)
Deaths: 632 (7 new)

@fox13 #utpol #Utah
. @UtahDepOfHealth is reporting the rolling 7-day average for positive #COVID19 tests is 1,943 per day. The rolling 7-day average positivity rate is 19.5%. @fox13 #utpol #Utah
. @UtahDepOfHealth is reporting 389 #COVID19 patients currently hospitalized. 158 of those patients are in the ICU (40.6%). Statewide, 78.4% of ICU beds are occupied with COVID-19 and non-COVID-19 patients. @fox13 #utpol #Utah
Here's additional information from @UtahDepOfHealth on the 7 new fatalities due to #COVID19 in Utah. @fox13 #utpol #Utah
. @DrAngelaCDunn begins the #COVID19 news conference going over the latest numbers, the largest-single daily increase in Utah.

We broke a record. @fox13 #utpol #Utah
Largest-single daily count for hospitalizations, @DrAngelaCDunn says.

She announces Millard Co. will move to a moderate transmission level because they have seen decreases in cases and % positive drop. @fox13 #utpol #COVID19
"It's grim news," @GovHerbert says. "And it's discouraging."

@UtahDepOfHealth projects even higher numbers in the coming days or weeks. He says people must "modify and change our behavior."

He worries people are becoming numb to it. @fox13 #utpol #COVID19
. @GovHerbert warns they will see overrun of medical centers.

He says emergency meetings have been held on Capitol Hill.

"Clearly it relies on we the people of Utah to modify behavior... to slow and stop the spread of this virus." @fox13 #utpol #Utah #COVID19
. @GovHerbert talks of his meeting with Dr. Birx and @CDCDirector and other states are seeing spikes.

But he says Utahns CAN modify and bend the curve if they follow health guidelines. @fox13 #utpol #Utah #COVID19
Utah has pledges of support for increased testing from the federal government, @GovHerbert says.

Asymptomatic spread is still an issue.

"We're going to take a loot at our schools and what we're doing with schools," he says. @fox13 #utpol #COVID19
New transmission index still in the process of being refined.

There may be more announced next week on that.

"If you're sick don't go to work. Make sure you social distance. Wash your hands often," he says. "You should absolutely be wearing a mask." @fox13 #utpol #COVID19
"As we see these numbers rise, this is not a hoax," @GovHerbert warns.

He says there are long-term impacts to #COVID19.

@fox13 #utpol #Utah
There are economic impacts to #COVID19 as well.

"If we have high spikes in our case numbers, fewer people are going to come to Utah to ski," @GovHerbert says, talking about impact to hospitality/tourism.

@fox13 #utpol
. @GovHerbert promises more announcements next week as far as any policy shifts.

Q for @DrAngelaCDunn in what wave we're in? This surge began end of August that started with high school/college students and spread across age groups. @fox13 #utpol #COVID19
How many peaks/waves could we see?

Goal is to drop the cases really low so they're prepared for the next peak, @DrAngelaCDunn says.

What to expect? "We can't make predictions about what to expect," she says.

Drop cases before winter. @fox13 #utpol #Utah #COVID19
Q on @UtahDepOfHealth addressing outbreak at prison?

@DrAngelaCDunn says they're responding with @SaltLakeHealth. They are trying to limit spread and focused on identifying all with #COVID19 and taking them out of general population. @fox13 #utpol
Q on transmission index? Data being collected, @DrAngelaCDunn says.

Testing will be key to help decrease surge, @GovHerbert says. He says if he could wave the magic wand and test all 3.2 million people of Utah, he'd do it. @fox13 #utpol #COVID19
. @GovHerbert says testing is key and contact tracing is important.

Hospitalization is growing and "that's not sustainable," the governor says.

It's not bedspace but personnel is the issue, he adds. @fox13 #utpol #COVID19
Q on transmission via small social gatherings and family units. Any enforcement planned?

"We're looking at all options to see what we can do to modify people's behavior," @GovHerbert says.

He says it does come down to individual behavior. @fox13 #utpol #COVID19
Businesses have done a very good job to keep things safe.

"What we're not doing as good at is our casual gatherings," @GovHerbert says.

It's not spreading at school, but it's when people go home and hang out with friends. @fox13 #utpol #COVID19
Being with people outside your household is where the risk is spreading, @GovHerbert says.

"That's an area we can do a lot better. How you enforce it... is obviously very problematic," he says. @fox13 #utpol #COVID19
Q on the Halloween parties (that my colleague @SydneyGlennTV reported on)?

@DrAngelaCDunn says she is worried about a potential increase in cases in the next week or so from that.

@fox13 #utpol #Utah #COVID19
"That was reckless activity done with a clandestine effort," @GovHerbert says.

"You can share the virus even though you don't have any symptoms," he adds.

@fox13 #utpol #COVID19
Q on any business closures like what AZ did when their cases spiked (trying to paraphrase it)?

"We are, in fact, taking a hard look... at what they've done down there," @GovHerbert says. "We'll see what we can learn from them and other states." @fox13 #utpol #COVID19
"At the end of the day it always boils down to people's behavior," @GovHerbert says. "We really don't want to close businesses."

Again, he says meetings happening and more being shared possibly next week.

News conference over. @fox13 #utpol #COVID19
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