The ability to lose is not just a matter of playing nice or dignity or whatever.

The ability to accept loss is the ability to process reality. A loss means you need to change.
Trying to change a loss through deceit and force is still not accepting the loss. At that point you're just compounding the error.

Things might even out for a quiet moment, but the reasons you lost will still be there, and still causing problems.
For the past four years the GOP has sincerely believed that all you need to do in order to maintain power is ignore reality.

That happened in the Dubya years, too.

It doesn't work. Not for long, and not forever.

But keep terrorizing poll workers, I'm sure that'll help.
If you look at the left right now, we're breathing a sigh of relief ... but we're *also* looking at the places we underperformed or lost.

And we aren't denying it happened. We're screaming at the leadership of the party to change course, because we can't afford not to.
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