1/ A few months ago @mrcoolbp and I did an interview regarding @WTF_1971 with some older finance types. Towards the end of the interview we started mentioning how we see Bitcoin as a solution to the current liquidation problem in capital markets. These comments were brushed off
2/ and vague comments about "blockchain technology" were made over our real point. That #Bitcoin is the answer. Since the interview aired, this group has had on a number of "crypto experts" to educate their (Mostly older) audience. As you might expect they are charlatans looking
3/ to push their bags on the greater fools. The honest truth here is that the majority of the world is going to remain behind the power curve on #bitcoin for some time to come because of the sheer veracity of all the affinity scams. Bad actors like @paypal will continue to
4/ mislead and misdirect newcomers. Don't mistake what I'm saying here, Bitcoin doesn't care about these people...and it doesn't need them. They will get it eventually. But certainly this type of behavior both sets back education on why bitcoin is important and adoption for
5/ many people who could probably benefit from knowing how it works TODAY. Keep pushing out good education for people, the world needs to be shepherded through this extremely complex paradigm shift.
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